
Events and Meetings

A variety of events and meetings are held throughout the year, with presentations and talks during the winter months and BBQ's, Fly Ins and Fly Outs during the Summer. Please come along and join us at any of the events, no need to PPR but if you want to have a chat first, please phone our Coordinator whose details are on the Contacts page.

The following have already been arranged, but keep coming back as more may be added! All subject to confirmation.

27th June 2024                BBQ at Ripple (if flying in, contact Stephen for PPR)

25th July 2024                 Visit to Kelvedon Hatch Nuclear Bunker. Email if interested.

29th August 2024            LAA Rally at Leicester

26th September 2024      Info Follows - Possible Fly-Out

Cross Channel Fly-Out

Kent Strut organised a Cross Channel Event in June 2016 for LAA members who had not been across the Channel before so that all the paperwork was done by us leaving them to concentrate on the flying.

Unfortunately, the weather on the chosen weekend proved to be totally unsuitable and the event had to be cancelled on both days. Various documents were prepared to enable the entrants to make the trip themselves in the future and these are available below. Please note that any information was correct only in June 2016. (Abbeville is no longer a customs airfield).

((New !! August 2019 Aide Memoire here))

(((There is also now an excellent video on youtube at

with up to date - June 2020 - information on Channel Crossing by the Vale of York strut.)))

Abbeville Information


Calais Information


Le Touquet Information


Channel Crossing Information


Channel Crossing Information 2


Channel Crossing Information 3


Specimen Fax to Abbeville


GAR Form


Paper Flight Plan


Specimen PLOG - Rochester to Abbeville


Specimen PLOG - Abbeville to Rochester